For Wholesale Dealers

Direct Distributors and Marketing is here to support all of the plumbing wholesalers and dealers representing the products we sell. If you are a plumbing wholesaler or dealer working with a local contractor or working on securing large commercial bid projects, we provide resources and products that are available and meet building codes. With no minimum orders, we can assist in controlling your cross-border inventory needs and get the product you want.

Our new resource section provides detailed product sell-sheets providing key features and line drawings to share with your clients. The resource section also includes PDF installation guides for every product, with some products also hosting installation videos showing step-by- step instructions that can be viewed on a smart phone or tablet.

The new product section will now allow you to check pricing and availability with a click of a few buttons, and we now offer a replacement part section where most parts can be purchased on our website and shipped directly.

**NEW** Coming in Fall 2021: DDMPro custom cross reference tool. An interactive tool that will allow you to compare and cross reference other manufacturer’s specific model numbers to E.L. Mustee and Elcoma Metal products.

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